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Is EVALARM really free?Yes, you can use the freemium version of EVALARM with up to 3 users for free. For fire departments, EVALARM is free for up to 100 users.
What support do you offer?We're happy to help you set up and run EVALARM
Is there a difference between EVALARM and EVALARM FIRE?No, there is no difference. EVALARM FIRE's communication focuses on the topic of fire protection.
What can I do if I need more than 3 users in one environment?"It's easy! Simply contact us (
Where can I find more information on using and configuring EVALARM?We make our wiki and e-learning platform available to you free of charge.
What support is offered with the configuration?By default, you get pre-configured templates that minimize the installation effort. We would be happy to configure the system according to your ideas. Just contact us.
Does EVALARM replace the connection at the fire brigade?EVALARM is an additional service. EVALARM does not replace the obligation or activation of fire alarms by a fire brigade concessionaire.
Is the transmission of EVALARM failsafe?With the EVABOX, the transmission takes place on redundant paths. EVALARM provides the service with an availability of 99.9 percent.
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